Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Catch Up Time!

It had been way too long since I have posted...I actually thought I might of forgot how! Wow, has time been flying by lately. I am going to have a 2 year old in 1 week and a brand new baby in 3 months, crazy!!! My goal is to get caught up before Christmas, stay tuned!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Fun in the tub??

Cohen leaned a little too far over the edge of the tub as it was filling up...oops! Those toys in the tub were just too tempting...he had to have them! He was so not impressed...that may have had something to do with me grabbing the camera before I grabbed him :)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

I wonder if I could fit in this...

I'm not to sure why Cohen thinks he needs to climb inside everything that looks remotely his size. It's pretty funny though...that is until he trips over, falls out off or gets stuck in it!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

We love this little guy!

Nicki took these pictures of Cohen in February. I thought it was about time I shared them! Cohen is going on 16 months and is growing like a weed. It seems like everyday I have to move things farther back on the table, desk or dresser so he can't reach his little paws up there and pull everything down. I am amazed at how good his memory is...he always seems to remember where I hide my treats, I can't sneak anything by him anymore!

I can't wait for the nice weather to stick around. Cohen loves going outside, and has already enjoyed a few nice days at the park. He is going to be so much fun this summer! Cohen finally got his 7th tooth a couple weeks ago, I wish the rest would just come and get it over with!

We reached a HUGE milestone this week...Cohen is sleeping through the whole night!! It has been a whole week of me not getting out of bed till morning. I started to think this day would never come.

Life just couldn't get any better right now, we are crazy in love with this little guy!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Take a seat!

I was looking through some pictures tonight...and forgot I had this little gem! This litte guy cracks me up! I'm not sure how this happened, I guess Cohen thought his dad's head looked like a comfy seat!

Saturday, January 23, 2010


I have been a real slacker at posting lately! Better late than never though...finally some pictures from Christmas. We had a great Christmas this year. Cohen had no idea what was going on, but it was still fun watching him SLOWLY unwrap presents! We went out to Cardston Christmas Eve and spent the night. We had an eventful night with food, white elephant gifts, food, Christmas pajamas, food, and a nativity put on by the kids (Somehow Mat still fit right in as the donkey!). Cohen gave us our first present Christmas morning and slept past 8:00! Mat and I always do stockings for each other, and I thought Cohen should have his own this year too. He wasn't too impressed with the stocking, but the BIG bag of popcorn twists beside it...he was in heaven!! It was the first thing he went for and we had to hide them from him just so he would look at his other present!

After all the presents were opened we ate some breakfast and headed back to Lethbridge. We booked the church this year for Christmas day. It was great, we had dinner there and then had the whole gym for the kids to run around and play. We even had an Astro Jump...maybe next year Cohen will actually want to go in it!

All in all Christmas was great!!! We are so blessed to have such big wonderful families to spend the holidays with!

Morgan and Cohen

Our attempt at a picture of all the kids
The nativity
Opening his Christmas PJ's
So excited!!!
Checking out the goods!
Showing off his new booties!

Not such a good idea dad!

He loves to clap for himself!
After a little run in with the coffee table...hence the red forehead

I don't condone this!
Aunt Karen getting a little CRAZY!!