Friday, September 18, 2009

Echo Lake...see you next summer!

I can't believe summer is almost over! It felt way too short this year...doesn't it always! We made it down to Echo Lake 3 times this summer and it was a blast. Mat's dad and uncle share a lot on Alpine drive, about a 5 minute walk right down to the lake. We are so lucky to have such a great place to go in the summer months. We always have so much fun with all the family when we are down there.

It was much different with a baby this year than in the past. Not quite as much freedom to go on the boat (and tan ;). But there was definitely no shortage of entertainment for Cohen. His cousins just love playing with him...and Cohen LOVES the attention! I can't wait till next year when Cohen is running around!

We took Cohen for his first boat ride...and he was great! No tears at all and by the end he was falling asleep. Mat loves to Wake Board and surf, but I'm quite content just watching. Mat is convinced Cohen will love these things as well...that scares me a little bit. Mat has a reputation for hurting himself alot...although he is getting much less daring at his old age!

We took our last trip down there on the September long weekend...not always the best weather. We did get one good day on Saturday, but was pretty rainy the rest of the time. Oh more reason to go shopping!

Here are some pictures from July, August & September down at Echo. Lets hope next summer comes quick!!!

Yes...i have a monkey hanging from my ear!

Fast asleep on the beach with Grandma Darla

How do I look?There is really no comfortable way to wear those life jackets!
Standing....much better!

Lookin Hot in their sweet sun glasses!

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